
This is a block based theme using the experimental feature of Full Site Editing.

About the Author:

Imran Sayed is a WordPress Engineer at rtCamp. He is also a WordCamp Speaker, Organizer, WordPress Meetup Organizer, and a regular contributor to the WordPress community. He is also a core contributor in WordPress and has a rich experience in Node, React and Laravel.
Apart from this, Imran has a great passion for teaching and sharing knowledge. You can check out his YouTube channel, where he teaches Programming on WordPress and Laravel. Imran is the founder of an open-source platform Codeytek Academy. As a hobby, Imran likes to write blog posts and has a passion for photography. Openness and inclusion is something he dearly loves about the WordPress community.


TT1 Blocks Theme Demo & Block Based Theme Tutorials

If you would like to learn how to develop your own block based theme, you can watch the playlist:

© Phoenix Theme 2020